Büyüdanem Kefir Starter
- This is a growing and constantly used kefir starter.
- If stores and maintenance under suitable conditions, this yeast can constantly be used.
- As starter grow, larger amount of milk can be fermented.
- This yeast is produced with Utility Model registered by Turkish Patent Institute for high level of food safety.
Büyüdanem is high-quality kefir starter with known content and that is constantly analysed so that you can use for making your own natural kefir at home. There is 3 gr kefir starter in sterilised water in glass bottles. If you take care of this yeast with care and love, this yeast will grow over time.
One glass (200ml) of kefir produced from Büyüdanem approximately have 20 billion various types of beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Kefir grain has extremely complex microbiota. By using Real-Time PCR and classical microbial counting method that are accepted as highest level molecular techniques, most important microorganisms in this rich flora are identified by Danem R&D group in quantitative way. Microorganism content and versatility of our kefir starter and kefir in our firm are given as follows:
Microorganism content
- Lactobacillus spp. content : 10,54 log kob/ml
- Lactococcus spp. content: 10,62 log kob/ml
- Total yeast: 5,69 log kob/ml
- Lactobacillus acidophilus content: 9,71 log kob/ml
- Bifidobacterium spp. content: 9,37 log kob/ml
Microorganism diversity
- Lactobacillus kefiri
- Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefiranofaciens
- Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefirgranum
- Lactobacillus parakefiri
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus casei
- Lactobacillus reuteri
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus
- Lactobacillus helveticus
- Lactobacillus fermentum
- Leuconostoc mesentereoides
- Streptococcus thermophilus
- Bifidobacterium bifidum
- Acetobacter pasteurianus
- Kluyveromyces marxianus
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Kluyveromyces lactis
Our products are manufactured under Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock registered under TR-32-K-000120 on 20/03/2012.